This episode delves into the world of content syndication, exploring strategies for creators to not only grow their audience but also maximize their revenue. Alex Chavez, co-founder of Wild Vision, sheds light on various platforms and approaches to achieve this goal.

The podcast introduces Wild Vision, a company dedicated to supporting content creators in amplifying their reach and earnings across diverse platforms. They accomplish this by strategically tailoring content to each platform’s unique algorithm. This involves reformatting the content and making necessary edits to ensure it resonates with the specific platform’s audience and optimization methods.

Beyond technical adjustments, Wild Vision emphasizes the importance of content creation itself. They collaborate with creators to develop content that possesses high viral potential, increasing the chances of capturing widespread attention and engagement. This collaborative approach ensures that content not only fits the platform, but also has the potential to go viral and significantly enhance the reach and impact of the creator’s work.

The podcast highlights the broad range of platforms utilized by Wild Vision. They don’t limit themselves to established giants like Facebook and YouTube, but also explore the potential of emerging platforms like Snapchat, Roku, Pluto, Tubi, and AVOD. This diverse approach allows creators to tap into different audiences and maximize their exposure across the digital landscape.

Wild Vision offers a compelling revenue-sharing model for creators. Instead of taking a fixed fee, they share a portion of the ad revenue generated by the creator’s content. This aligns both parties’ interests, incentivizing creators to produce high-quality content that attracts viewers and generates significant ad revenue.

Alex shares valuable insights on the changing landscape of influencer marketing. Brands are becoming increasingly selective in choosing partners, emphasizing authenticity and audience engagement over sheer follower count. This shift highlights the importance of building genuine connections with audiences and creating content that resonates with their interests.

The podcast concludes by offering creators guidance on joining forces with Wild Vision. Alex outlines the steps involved in the process, encouraging creators to reach out and explore how Wild Vision can help them achieve their audience and revenue goals in the ever-evolving world of content creation.